
Pathways to Education and Employment for Reentry (PEER)

The Pathways to Education and Employment for Reentry (PEER) program at Hawkeye Community College has been developed to provide education and career services to individuals with a criminal record involved with the 1st Judicial District. Ninety-five percent of individuals with a criminal background return to the community after completing the required steps set forth by the district. Many of these individuals are not aware of the education and employment resources that are accessible to them in the community. The Pathways to Education and Employment for Reentry program will integrate these services into the Black Hawk County Jail, Women’s Center for Change and Waterloo Residential Facility. The goal is to provide services to 120 individuals in the first year that the program is implemented.

Data Points

  • Iowa’s recidivism rate in 2021 was 38.7%.

  • Studies have shown that individuals who participate in a job training program are 48% less likely to recidivate. Source: Vera Institute of Justice.

  • Investment in providing services to this population of individuals will help to fight recidivism with the goal of developing a new workforce pipeline for our business and industry partners in the Cedar Valley.

Services Provided

  • Educational counseling
  • Career exploration
  • Hands-on job training
  • Job readiness skills
  • Resume and application assistance
  • Employability skills
  • Program eligibility
  • Resource referrals
  • Case management
  • Hiring events

Success Story

Hawkeye has had a history of providing job training and intensive case management to individuals involved with the justice system after release. One student came to Hawkeye knowing that he would have time to serve mid-training. Hawkeye worked with this student to provide training and be flexible with his needs in order for him to be successful. He went on to successfully finish his short-term training program and entered employment making $23/hour.

Community Partners

  • Black Hawk County Jail
  • Women’s Center for Change
  • Waterloo Residential Facility

Contact Information

Pathways to Education and Employment for Reentry


Gabrielle Fleischhacker
Automation and Robotics Center
319-296-4296 ext.3103
Email Pathways to Education and Employment for Reentry

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